Welcome to Malvaceae world!!
Do you recognise the picture aside? Yes, it is Urena lobata.
This is one species of my mini project. mmm....
This picture, i took from http://www.malvaceae.info.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L.. This is another species of my mini project. Known as Roselle. I took this picture from http://www.wikipedia.org/
In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, there was reseach been done by Associated Prof. Dr. Mohammad Bin Osman. And my specimen are come from his farm..
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. National flower. I took this picture from http://www.malvaceae.info/.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Malvaceae world! Let me introduce to a family that important which also a part of plant that contain medicine use..
Malvaceae, or the mallow family, is a family of flowering plants containing a number of genera, generally with five showy petals and five green sepals and numerous stamens that are fused at the base and form a tube around the pistil. Most species are herbs or shrubs but some species are trees. There are over 100 genera with close to 1,500 species in the family depending on the classification of some of the genera. Most species have stellate hairs and mucus like sap. The best recognized genera include Malva, Abutilon, Althaea, Lavatera, Abelmoschus, Malope, Hibiscus plus others that are grown as garden plants over many regions of the world.
In Malaysia, there are 6 from 27 genus. There are Hibiscus, Sida, Urena, Thespesia, Abutilon, and Wissadula according to Keng (1969) which stated in his book- Orders and families of Malayan seed plants. While, Corner's (1988) in his book- Wayside of trees Malaya, stated 8 genus with 15 wild species.
My interest is the leaf anatomy. I'm doing a mini project on it. it's very challenging and need fully patient on it. i even can't done it in Ramadhan days..cause it makes me want to eat all the time...and i've to break my fast if i do so..hehe
Here are the other species:
Abutilon indicum
This picture i took from http://www.iptek.net.id/
My picture will be uploaded later.
Honckenya ficifolia (syn Clappertonia ficifolia)
This picture i took from http://www.tropicalplant.air-nifty.com/
Plant have become medicine use since thousand's of year ago. It's a pleasure for me to have this oppurtunity, and special thanks to my supervisor- Dr. Noraini Talip, who always give the support to me. And not forget to Prof. Dr. Kamarudin Mat-Salleh who introduce us on using blog..
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